Our services

Initial Consultation

No obligation initial consultation to see if we can meet your ergonomic needs.

15 min session | Free!


Remote Ergonomic Evaluation and Assessment

We will conduct a remote ergonomic assessment using OSHA-approved tools on your workstation, perform on-the-spot adjustments (when possible), and advise on the appropriate equipment, accessories, and posture to reduce risk of injury.

For remote assessments, you will provide photographs of you in your workstation at various angles to us for review and we will discuss what necessary adjustments and equipment are needed over a video call.

Includes a personalized, extensive report with recommendations and resources from recent, peer-reviewed research after the session is complete.


Remote Ergonomics for Pre-Existing Injuries and Conditions

If you are currently concerned about a work-related injury, repetitive discomfort after a long day of work, burnout, or a chronic condition and its impact on your work, this is where we come in. We will collaborate with you on the appropriate equipment specific to your condition and your environment so you can continue your work without worry. Commonly addressed conditions include, but are not limited to, carpal tunnel syndrome, cubital tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, fractures, muscle strains/sprains/aches, dry eyes, headaches, anxiety, and depression.

For remote assessments, you will provide photographs of yourself in your workstation to us at various angles for review and we will discuss what necessary adjustments and equipment are needed over a video call.

Includes a personalized, extensive report with recommendations and resources from recent, peer-reviewed research after the session is complete.


Remote Follow-Ups

We will follow-up with your tailored ergonomic program on a monthly basis after your initial evaluation to see how the current program is meeting your needs, and make appropriate adjustments according to how your body, work, and environment changes over time.

The 1-year follow-up will be a more comprehensive overview of the dynamics of your program and workstation setup over the past year and to set future ergonomic goals for your business.


Open-door Policy

Once you’ve been established as a client of ErgoMage, we can answer any and all questions related to topics such as mental health, ergonomic breaks, resources and research, recommended office equipment and accessories, proper posture and positioning, and guided relaxation!

Anytime |  Free!